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The only dedicated Machinery Movement Training School in the UK

Why Machinery Movement Training

You will learn with hands on experience, backed-up by theory.

  • This course is 25% theory, 75% hands on and practical
  • The theory includes the underpinning health and safety knowledge as well as how to plan a machine move, how to assess and control risks, choosing and using the right equipment
  • During the practical course you will work as a team and receive instruction in moving a variety of machines under supervision. To conclude the practical workshop you will plan and move a machine under your own volition and be assessed upon your individual performance.

At the end of each course, delegates are assessed on their knowledge and ability before being certified by Machinery Movement Training. Delegates that demonstrate their competence are awarded a certificate of competence by Machinery Movement Training as well as a photocard to prove that they have been trained, assessed and found to be competent.

Course Benefits

Moving heavy machinery is a dangerous task and should only be completed by competent people. If things go wrong, people can be killed, disabled or injured. If anybody were to get hurt or worse and if you could have avoided it, you will have created a monster that will keep you awake at night. None of us want anybody to be harmed if we can avoid it. Training, competence and proper planning reduces the risk of harm to people.

The purely financial cost of accidents includes:

  • Sick pay
  • Overtime to cover time off
  • Repair or replacement of damaged machines
  • Lost production time
  • Wages for operators unable to work because of machine damage
  • Managers time for accident investigation and court proceedings
  • Legal representation
  • Fines and compensation
  • Loss of business and reputation

Practical and certified training reduces the risk of injury, is good evidence that legal duties have been fulfilled and could therefore save millions of pounds.